Gift Voucher

Flexible Value Gift Voucher

The Flexible Value Gift Voucher from BZ Academy offers the ultimate flexibility, allowing you to choose any amount starting from 100 EURO. Whether you want to gift a small contribution or cover the cost of a full course, this voucher can be applied toward any of our training programs. Perfect for those who want the recipient to have the freedom to select their own course, this voucher ensures they can choose the training that best suits their interests and schedule. Give the gift of skill, empowerment, and choice with our Flexible Value Gift Voucher.

Event Date 13-11-2024
Event End Date 31-12-2025
Cut off date 31-12-2025
Available place 100
Individual Price From 100 EURO
Categories Gift Voucher
Private Training GIFT VOUCHER

The Private Training Gift Voucher from BZ Academy offers a personalized and exclusive firearms training experience. Perfect for those who prefer one-on-one instruction, this voucher allows the recipient to schedule a private training session with one of our expert instructors. Whether they're looking to refine their skills or receive tailored coaching, this voucher provides the flexibility and focused attention they need. A truly unique and thoughtful gift for anyone serious about advancing their firearm proficiency.

Event Date 13-11-2024
Event End Date 31-12-2025
Cut off date 31-12-2025
Available place 100
Individual Price From 350 EURO
Categories Gift Voucher
Firearms Courses Gift Voucher

Our Combined Firearms Course Level 1 Gift Voucher offers an incredible opportunity to experience 3 days of in-depth, hands-on training with expert instructors. This course covers the essentials of firearm safety and handling, using three iconic firearms—the Glock, AR-15, and AK-47—to ensure a well-rounded foundation in firearms proficiency. Designed for both beginners and those wanting to refine their skills, this course helps build confidence, accuracy, and responsibility.

Event Date 13-11-2024
Event End Date 31-12-2025
Cut off date 30-12-2025
Available place 10
Individual Price £780 / €890 ALL INC
Categories Gift Voucher, Beginners