European Firearms Pass - What is it?

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European Firearsm Pass EFP


The European Firearms Pass is a paper document that allows legal firearm owners from European Union countries to travel with their firearms legally to other EU countries. The pass contains crucial information about the firearm owner, including name, surname, date of birth, current address, and details of each firearm in the owner's possession.










The European Firearms Pass is a paper document that allows legal firearm owners from European Union countries to travel with their firearms legally to other EU countries. The pass contains crucial information about the firearm owner, including name, surname, date of birth, current address, and details of each firearm in the owner's possession.


**How to Obtain the European Firearms Pass?**

Firstly, you must possess a firearm license in your European Union member country. You should already have firearms registered in your home country. Once you have a firearm license and possess firearms, you can apply for a European Firearms Pass from your Local Police. While it is usually a simple and free online process, some countries, like Poland, may require payment of 105PLN (around 25EURO) and only accept paper applications.

When applying for the European Firearm Pass, we recommend listing all firearms in your possession on the EFP. Although it won't impact your application, it provides flexibility for potential future travels. The European Firearms Pass is valid for five years, after which you need to reapply.


**What Firearms Can I Include on My European Firearms License?**

You can include almost all types of firearms that you legally possess in your country, encompassing B and C categories.

**Category B:**

  1. Semi-automatic or repeating short firearms.

  2. Single-shot short firearms with center-fire percussion.

  3. Single-shot short firearms with rimfire percussion, with an overall length of less than 28 cm.

  4. Semi-automatic long firearms with a magazine and chamber capable of holding more than three rounds.

  5. Semi-automatic long firearms with a magazine and chamber unable to hold more than three rounds, where the loading device is removable, or it is uncertain that the weapon cannot be converted into one holding more than three rounds.

  6. Repeating and semi-automatic long firearms with smooth-bore barrels not exceeding 60 cm in length.

  7. Semi-automatic firearms for civilian use resembling weapons with automatic mechanisms.


**Category C:**

  1. Repeating long firearms not listed in Category B, point 6.

  2. Long firearms with single-shot rifled barrels.

  3. Semi-automatic long firearms not covered in Category B, points 4 to 7.

  4. Single-shot short firearms with rimfire percussion, with an overall length of not less than 28 cm.

In simpler terms, all sports and hunting firearms, including pistols, semi-automatic rifles, shotguns, rimfire rifles, pistols, and single-shot hunting rifles, etc., can be included on your EFP. If you are visiting BZ Academy with your firearms, ensure your Semi-Automatic Pistol and Semi-Automatic Rifle are listed on your European Firearms pass.

**Do I Need an Invitation to Travel with My Firearms to Another EU Member Country?**

According to Annex II of the COUNCIL DIRECTIVE of 18 June 1991 on the control of the acquisition and possession of weapons (91/477/EEC), traveling with firearms in categories B, C, or D mentioned in the European Firearsm Pass may require prior corresponding authorizations from the visited Member State. This authorization may be recorded on the pass. However, for travel related to hunting or target shooting, an invitation letter is not mandatory if you possess the firearms pass and can establish the reason for the journey.

In case you are traveling to BZ Academy, a confirmation email printed after course booking can serve as proof to establish the reason for the journey. If necessary, we can issue an invitation letter upon request.

**My Experience Traveling with Firearms on the European Firearms Pass**

I used to travel from the uk to Poland via France, Belgium, Netherlands, and Germany with my uk European Firearms Pass. This was when the uk was still an EU member, and my uk EFP was valid. As the uk is not in the Schengen area, and there is a physical border with border control, I had to declare my firearms each time. The procedure was straightforward: I had to stop on the side, hand the border guard my European Firearms Pass, and the guard would disappear with my EFP for 5 minutes. They would then return, wishing me safe travel. This process was repeated several times, and they never asked to inspect the firearms. The journey back to the uk involved a declaration of firearms, which took a bit longer. The guards asked seemingly unnecessary questions about why I needed to bring firearms to the uk. I had to explain that these were legally owned uk firearms, and I was returning from my trip, wanting to bring them back home. This showcased the guards' incompetence and lack of knowledge about firearms laws. On the French side, the guard wanted to see the firearms. When I opened my case with my Ruger Precision 308 and semi-auto 22lr Colt M4, they were more interested in the firearms themselves, asking technical questions, than scrutinizing the paperwork. It seems I had encountered a firearms enthusiast. Despite these experiences, there were no problems with traveling. In the EU, with no borders, nobody stopped me, allowing for peaceful travel from the uk to Poland and back.

**Can I Buy Ammunition in Another EU Country with My European Firearms Pass?**

Yes, you can purchase ammunition. You only need your European Firearms Pass and your ID. In Poland, there are no limits on ammunition purchases; you can buy as much as you need, or even a whole truckload if the shop has such quantities.

**Can I Take My Firearms to a Hotel Abroad if I Need to Stay Overnight?**

Certainly, you can. Some hotels even provide a safe where you can deposit them. Alternatively, you may consider taking them to your room, and keeping a close eye on them. In Poland, with its substantial hunting community and frequent visits from foreign hunters, hotels are accustomed to guests with firearms. Showing up at the reception with firearms, as long as they are properly covered, should not raise any alarms. Of course, they should not be displayed openly.

If you are coming to BZ Academy with your firearms, we offer storage in our police-approved armory for the duration of the course.

**What to Do if Stopped by Police in Poland While Traveling to BZ Academy for the Course?**

Stay calm. If it's a standard traffic stop, you do not need to immediately admit to having a firearm in your possession. Deal with the Police inquiry, pay any fines for speeding if that was the reason for the stop, and continue your journey. However, if they inquire about your journey and learn of your firearm possession for training at BZ Academy, show them the European Firearms Pass and the confirmation email from the course or an invitation letter. This should resolve the issue. If there are further inquiries, please call us (the telephone number is provided in the confirmation email), and we will assist.

We have many clients traveling to our classes and private training from EU countries, and none have ever encountered issues. 

If you plan to become a firearms instructor, it's worth reading THIS ARTICLE.