Armed Close Protection Training in Europe. Yes, we run it in Poland.

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Armed close protection training in Europe


Many places offer various close protection courses, in and outside Europe. Now depending on your needs or career goals, armed close protection training is a more desired skill for VIP protection in medium to high-risk areas or where the VIP is a higher-risk person overall. 








Armed close protection Training in Europe




Many places offer various close protection courses, in and outside Europe. Now depending on your needs or career goals, armed close protection training is a more desired skill for VIP protection in medium to high-risk areas or where the VIP is a higher-risk person overall. It is important to know that firearms are not allowed in every country for close protection personnel, such as the United Kingdom, where this is illegal. Other countries, however, especially higher-risk countries, do not impose such restrictions and many operatives do handle live firearms on the job.

If you do wish to pursue a career or have the skills of an armed close protection operative in order to do higher-risk jobs if need be, we offer training specifically designed for such cases. Our close protection Firearms and Tactics course, covers extensive training in hyper-realistic scenarios, designed to train individuals in more real-life higher threat situations. That’s why 90% of our course material is practical.

The training starts with a brief classroom presentation, and moves to cpo techniques and tactics for VIPs, following on to firearms and Krav Maga hand-to-hand combat training, as well as first aid. Training course offers extensive training in all cpo functions, including correct planning, foot formation, responding to threats, engaging targets with firearms, and much more.

Our close protection course was designed with experience and knowledge of high-risk countries, and it is running both in our Academy in Poland, as well as privately in Colombia. No previous experience or any other CP course is required to enroll in our course, as we cover all fundamentals thought in regular CP courses, and we build on with the high-risk places in mind, including firearms and hand-to-hand combat training, attack, and ambush scenarios, etc.



We do get people coming to do the close protection Firearms and Tactics course after they SIA qualify or complete another CP course elsewhere, just to build on the existing skills and learn how to work with firearms safely and correctly in real-life higher-risk situations. This is also a highly recommended route for those who already hold a CP qualification and are pursuing careers in higher-risk places. As this equips CP operatives with more knowledge and practical skills for higher-risk locations and provides the necessary firearms handling skills in a correct and safe manner.

From the BZ Academy close protection Firearms and Tactics Course outline, it's clear that the training program covers a wide range of practical skills essential for VIP protection agents working in medium to high-risk areas. The course's focus is on firearms tactics, hand-to-hand combat, VIP close formations, and VIP evacuation tactics. Additionally, the course also covers important skills like threat assessment, responding to threat drills, EMBUS/DEBUS drills, and using Krav Maga techniques to protect VIPs against unarmed and armed attackers.

The course is divided into five days, with each day dedicated to a specific set of skills. On Day 1, trainees will receive an introduction to close protection, learn VIP protection techniques, and receive firearms dry training. On Day 2, they will learn VIP protection team roles, engage in firearms training, and learn how to respond to a threat. Day 3 will cover threat assessment, VIP vehicle techniques, and more advanced firearms training. On Day 4, trainees will learn advanced VIP protection techniques, participate in attack-on-principle drills, and receive concealed carry training. Finally, on Day 5, they will take a first aid course, participate in VIP protection techniques tests, shooting qualification tests, and graduate.

The course is open to everyone, and no previous experience is needed, making it accessible to anyone interested in VIP protection. The gear required for the course is minimal, with a tactical belt and appropriate clothing being the only essential items. The course is run by a SIG SAUER Academy (USA) certified instructor, ensuring a high standard of training.

On completion of the course, trainees will receive a BZ Academy International certificate, provided they pass the four tests, including cpo theory, Attack on Principle Drill, Shooting TEST, and Hand to Hand Combat Techniques TEST.

Overall, the close protection Firearms and Tactics course offered by BZ Academy in Poland covers essential practical skills needed for VIP protection agents. The course's structure is well-planned, with a focus on practical training, and is open to everyone. The certification offered on completion of the course is recognized internationally, making it a valuable addition to anyone interested in pursuing a career in VIP protection.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to email us anytime.

We hope to see you in our courses!




If you plan to become a firearms instructor, it's worth reading THIS ARTICLE.